If you have a central air conditioner in your home, it’s important to understand how this system works. Now, don’t get us wrong, we’re not asking you to know every single part in your system by name or to even to know each stage of the air conditioning process. All we’d like you to know is the basics.We answer a lot of questions from homeowners across Kansas so we’ve compiled a few of the most common misconceptions below to guide our customers in the right direction. If you have trouble with your air conditioner and need air conditioning repair in Overland Park, KS, you can trust our professionals. If you’d like to learn more about how refrigerant works in your system keep reading below.

Answers From AC Experts

Let’s take a walk through some of the most common misconceptions about your air conditioner:

1. Your AC’s Refrigerant Runs Out
A lot of homeowners will call us during this time of year to get their refrigerant “topped off” because it’s “run out.” If your air conditioner works the way it should, it should never run out of refrigerant. If you’ve noticed the side effects of low refrigerant (low blowing power or warm air coming out of your registers) it’s because your air conditioner is leaking refrigerant.Electricity powers your air conditioner. Refrigerant doesn’t power your AC system so it can never run out. Your refrigerant is in charge of collecting the heat and moving it outdoors.

2. Turning Down Your Thermostat Temperature Cools Off Your Home Faster
You come out of the sweltering heat of a Kansas City summer and beeline straight to your thermostat. Your first instinct is the crank the thermostat down to a super low temperature because you feel like it will help the room cool off faster, right? Wrong!Unless you have an inverter, your air conditioner is only able to cool at one consistent speed. All you’re doing when you turn the temperature down super low is make your system work much harder. Your system is going to cool at a single speed until it reaches your desired temperature. Your system won’t cool off any faster it will only cool off much longer and cost you more in the process.

3. Air Filters Vs. IAQ Filters
You might read HVAC blogs just like this one and read the phrase “air conditioner filter.” We’re talking about the filter that keeps your air conditioning unit clean rather than a filter that cleans the air when we say this. Air filters keep debris at bay. You need to replace this filter at least once a season so that the debris and dirt can’t accumulate and build up on your system components. It makes your system dismally inefficient and more expensive to run. Putting strain on your system like this can even decrease the overall lifespan. If you’d like a healthy, cost-effective system make sure you contact our professionals.Do you need repair services for your air conditioner? Contact our professionals at MVP Electric, Heating & Cooling today to schedule an appointment.

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