Part of the nation is experiencing record low temperatures. We don’t have to live there to know that the last thing they would want is for their heaters to break down on them!The idea of having to wait for HVAC service in the cold is not something anyone likes to think about. However, the reality is that it does happen from time to time. But that doesn’t mean you can’t help prevent it!In this post, we’ll go over some ways that you can keep your heater in tip-top shape for the duration of the winter.

Get Maintenance Done
The easiest and best thing you could do for your system is to have maintenance performed on it. We mention it first because it will help clear up any other issues. After all, maintenance is estimated to clear up about 85% of HVAC problems. If you had maintenance done at the beginning of the cold season, you should be fine for the rest of it. Any qualified HVAC contractor in Overland Park, KS can schedule you for maintenance.

Replace Your System Now If It’s Old And Showing Symptoms

If your system is older than 10 years and has had a history of needing frequent repairs, it could be time for a replacement. At that point, it’s debatable whether you should keep spending money on repairs and maintenance.If you do think a replacement is in your near future, we suggest looking for new options sooner rather than later. Many homeowners wait until their heater breaks down, but by then, they’re forced to make a hasty purchase.

Keep An Eye On Common Heater-Breaking Issues

There are several common heating issues that can be preemptively fixed by just spotting it early on. A quick look at these components can save you a load of trouble later on, during the worst possible time.

Dirty air filter: The air filter captures dust and dirt before it can enter the sensitive parts of your heater. However, once that filter gets full, it needs to be changed out. Otherwise, it will restrict airflow. That can cause overheating, reduce efficiency, and at worst, create carbon monoxide leaks.
Cracked heat exchanger: The heat exchanger is the central heating component of the furnace. It constantly expands and contracts in its normal operation, but after several years of that, it can create cracks. This can lead to carbon monoxide leaks and other serious operational issues.
Igniter issues: In modern furnaces, fuel is ignited with a hot surface igniter. But much like a heat exchanger, this component will gradually deteriorate with repeated use. It’s a simple fix that can be spotted during routine maintenance.
Refrigerant leaks: If you’re using a heat pump, one of the biggest threats is the refrigerant leak. These leaks can start off so small that you won’t even notice them. As more refrigerant leaves the system, the worse it gets: lowered efficiency, the risk of frozen coils, and damage to the compressor.

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